Wizard Ride 231: Contact

Wizard and Me

Monday, 5/9/11

Before work, I snuck over to the barn to enjoy the AMAZING weather. I took a quick trail ride with my friend Kris and her mare Philly- we covered about 3 miles or so. Wizard was ready to rumble when I first got in the saddle, but he was settled and was perfectly warmed up by the time we got back to the barn.

After the trail ride, I did a little arena work with Wizard. We worked at the trot, and I worked on my hands, specifically maintaining contact. I tend to fall into the awful habit of fiddling with my hands, feeding the reins through my fingers, and throwing away the contact. I made a concerted effort to keep contact, and Wizard liked it! He stayed on the bit through serpentines, and his transitions were nice. Now all I need to do it remember this :^P

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