Belmont Stakes 2009: The Two Best Photos

The Triple Crown races were won by a gelding, a filly, and a colt. Two Birds and a chick.

Have you seen the Belmont yet? Check it out.

The blanket of carnations has been draped, worn, removed, and put away. Horses are on their way home.

Here it is, the best Belmont Stakes-related photo of 2009.

If you don’t have a free DRF account, why not?? It’s worth it to sign up, both for the photo and for the content on the website. Photographer: Barbara Livingston, whose Top Ten Albums of All Time were celebrated here at SKA-RNR-Blog a few months ago. The photo is sublime. It’s the ideal embodiment of the “hangover” (Chip Woolley’s words) after the hectic Triple Crown season. It’s peaceful. It’s an athlete in repose; a quiet moment after a colossal effort. Ears at half mast, powerful haunches at ease, tail soft and static.

And it’s executed as only a master can. Texture, shape, composition, color. Just when the rest of us racing photographers think we’re getting clever, Barbara takes us to school. I love it.

And then we have Best Belmont Photo Number Two. Rick Dutrow One Year Later, taken by Jason Moran. This photo takes your mind back 365 days, to Big Brown Mania, the loose shoe, the quarter cracks, the jockey, the owners, and of course, the trainer.

Rick Dutrow….One year later, originally uploaded by EASY GOER.

Why do I like these photos so much? By the title of the blog post, I bet you expected an action shot of the race, but they were taken nowhere near the finish line :^) It’s even better- the entire race replays in your head as you view these images. The viewer is engaged. A story is told. Editorial imagery at its finest.

As far as photos of the winners actually on track, I think Bud’s is my favorite so far:

Summer Bird Belmont Stakes Celebration, by Bud Morton
Summer Bird Belmont Stakes Celebration, by Bud Morton

And the best chain of events of photography would have to be this: moments before I shot this…

Gio Ponti wins the Manhattan

Bud shot this of Heckle and Jeckle.

Charles Pravata and Sarah Andrew
Charles Pravata and Sarah Andrew

And then Melissa shot this of Bud.

Budphoto! by Melissa Wirth
Budphoto! by Melissa Wirth

And Bud shot this of Jamie and Melissa. Got it? Good!

I Want Revenge and Joe Talamo Win the 2009 Gotham Stakes

Sarah Andrew: photo by Bud Morton
Sarah Andrew: photo by Bud Morton

Saturday 3/7/2009

Cabin fever. Derby fever. Spring fever. Call it what you want. The gaggle of racing photographers had it in spades when they all flocked to Aqueduct for the first Saturday in March. The whole gang was present and accounted for and we shot the Aqueduct inner dirt with enthusiasm in our eyes and roses in our minds.

The Girls of Aqueduct: photo by Bud Morton
The Girls of Aqueduct: photo by Bud Morton

I Want Revenge and Jockeys star Joe Talamo won by over 8 lengths, thus capturing the imagination of many Bloggers and columnists. Captured a little gas money for me, too. I managed to hit the Gotham trifecta :^)

Did you watch the race? What did you think? Who is on the top of your Derby list?

2009 Gotham Stakes winners I Want Revenge and Joe Talamo

I Want Revenge: 2009 Grade 3 Gotham Stakes Winner

I Want Revenge and Jockey Joe Talamo win the Grade 3 Gotham Stakes